Daniela Suppa gets her photo CD finally
The night before or maybe two nights before I had gotten an email from Andrew the designer regarding some photos I had shot and that Daniela, the make up artist, hadn't gotten any copies. Since it had been months since the shoot I had felt pretty bad not sending anything to her. On top of that I totally forgot to send the pictures. This seems to have been a common thing in the last few months of being out of it.
The day started in the early afternoon. I had reserved a car for rental in order to drive out to Hamilton to take pictures of a roller derby. I picked up the car at 3:00pm with the intention of driving to Hamilton a day early. Mainly to figure out where it was I was going to be. I could take my time driving around getting to know the city, the one way streets, parking, where the nearest Tim Horton's was, and all that.
To start I picked up Laer who wanted to get out and needed any excuse to do so. I enticed him by saying we could stop in the city and take some pictures. He just bought a D80 and was itching to use it. There were two conditions that had to be met. 1) We had to drop off a CD for Daniela in Mississauga, 2) We had to get Laer back home by 7pm before Elaine (Laer's girlfriend) got home.
At the time it seemed like a possible feat. It wasn't until we actually got on the highway and noticed the snail's pace at which the traffic was moving that the trip to Hamilton seemed more improbable in the time alloted.
After dropping off the CD to Daniela we decided that going to Hamilton would be rushed and we probably wouldn't make it back to Toronto (and Laer's place) by 7pm. So instead we travelled out to Bramela to visit Laer's folks. Since he wasn't going up there for Mother's Day we figured we could surprise them a few days early.

Laer shoots a bird feeder
No one was at home. Being a friday it turned out (we learned this from the neighbours) that the parents went to some restaurant for fish and chips. This I suppose was a weekly thing. Laer and I took some time to take pictures of his mom's garden and talk to the the neighbours next door. A conversation that mainly centered around camera gear and old pentax equipment that the neighbour owned.

The 70s glass partition between yards
I forced Laer to go with me to the local Hooters Restaurant. Most people do not know this but they have some of the best honey garlic chicken wings anywhere. Sure there's a bunch of young nubile women in skimpy clothes that serve you but really I was starving for chicken. Forcing Laer probably isn't the right word. I had the car. I was driving and I was going to get those honey garlic chicken wings.

Laer and Hooters like oil and water
After a basket of ten wings and a Coke equivalent later we drove back to the parents house to see if they were in, they weren't, and then drove back into Toronto to drop Laer off at the apartment.
As it turns out I managed to get a phone call from Marc seeing if I wanted to go eat. I told him I'd pick him up and we'd find food on the way or in Hamilton. By the time we had arrived in Hamilton, after getting lost in Burlington for a bit, it was around 11:30pm to midnight. Drowsiness had hit Marc to the extent he wasn't hungry any more and just wanted to go home.

Marc with Maps of Burlington at Tim Horton's
It took us a while to find Market street and when we did found that we were in the wrong city. Whoops, not Hamilton, but Dundas!! I never got to go to Dundas as Marc was getting a bit squirmy and just wanted to be taken home. So back to Toronto we went, not stopping for food or anything. I dropped Marc off at his apartment then drove up to a local donut store to pick up some meat filled buns.
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