A bee doing the bee thing.
While finishing the tax stuff I felt poking in the back. It was the cat, Pumpkin. He had quietly come upstairs and sat in the chair behind me. I went downstairs to check what was going on and found a beehive of activity moving stuff from the porch to the front of the house. Needing a break from staring at the screen I helped out a bit.

Meanwhile the Morri sisters clean out the porch area.

Michiho and Bill paint the new quarter round.

Chris' Dad holds pumpkin.
After a few hours I went back upstairs to find the cat now moved to my bed and sleeping on my pillow. I resumed the tax work. A bit later I got a phone call to join Leah for dinner. She wanted to take me out for my birthday. We ended up eating at an Indian food place. It was while walking back home that I noticed a store dumping a whack of monitors. Ugh... landfill.

Meanwhile down the street a store throws away monitors
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