Dicey of the Hamilton Harlots as lead jammer
In a two day event topping last year's one day event, the beast of the east has expanded to showcase 16 teams from around eastern canada. For the results of the crazy 28 number of bouts check out DNN (the Derby News Network).
Even getting to Montreal a day early didn't really stop my hand from cramping up near the end of day one. I shot for about 8.5 hours with a half hour break stuffing my face with lasagna and what was left of the salad.

Miss Carriage of the Death Row Dames manoeuvres around the gore gore girls
Overall I got some really great photos. One of my favourites being that up top of this entry featuring Dicey being pointed to by referee, Justice Feelgood Marshall (indicating that she's the lead jammer). I like that she's pretty sharp and everything else is just a crazy blur as she whizzes by.
The results of that photo and others are a result of me lugging my strobes with me. Probably moved the most photo gear I've ever moved to a location not in Ontario. It's almost worth the hassle. The downside is that the strobes and gear take up way to much space when travelling by bus. I didn't have any extra space to bring back bagels. Boo.
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