Stef Guzman of The Hussies
Okay I know it's been a while since the last post. Remember how I said I should make more time for non work related things? Starting Monday right out of the gate so to speak I was sick yes another stuffed up nose, crud in the lungs kind of deal. By Tuesday night I decided to leave work (job #1) early at 6:30pm to go home to go to sleep. Upon arriving at home I noticed my red flashy blinky light on my answering machine. Unfortunetly, I am one of those people that have to see what messages are waiting for me... right away.
I found out that my call to set friday (job #2) had been moved to wednesday 10am. Yes the next day. The job is a bunch of animations I'd started but had not finished. I figured I'd have at least two more days to work on them and maybe I could sick in some sleep time to help get over the "cold". no sir-e-bob.
Forcing myself to sleep between 10pm and 1am, I then woke up and forced myself to do all the designing, rendering and assembling the animations. At around 4:00am I was getting ahead of my preset schedule so I decided to make some macaroni beef, do some laundry and even clean out some of the alien fungi cultivating in my fridge. That's when my hard drive died.
I lost about half my work. The other half was recovered because I was trying to save time by rendering on my second machine. As luck would have it and the skills of corner cutting I managed to complete all 10 animations, install them on the laptop and burn the CDs by 8:30am. I took another half hour snooze and left at 9:00am. Once on set I found that my scenes were pushed so I ended up waiting another five hours before doing anything. The crew wrapped at around 6:30pm and I got home by about 7:30pm. I fell into bed pretty easily.
Today was pretty normal back at job #1. I'm feeling a little bit better considering three others at job #1 are now ill. I was all set to go to sleep when I got a call from Al. It turned out Scandalnavia was playing tonight at Sneaky Dees. It would be a good opportunity to get that CD of pictures I took of them last month to Nas. So I ended up going.
We got there just in time to hear the second last song. The band finished playing and Nas had to take off for work. We probably saw her for 5, maybe 10 minutes. On the flip side we also got to see an Ottawa band, The Hussies, play. The lead was an incredible singer for such a small person, she could really belt out those notes.
Tomorrow I'm on set for 7am. I know, I know, there are only 24 hours in a day.
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