Kiri stands next to a rather large addidas shoe on Queen street.
Saturday. Walking from work towards downtown (I wanted to drop off some files to make some digital prints at a local photo store), Kiri and I noticed a big running shoe in front of some junk store. It just seemed so odd and out of place I had to take a picture of it.
After shooting the shoe and walking away it occurred to me that I should have checked the price on that thing. Mostly to put an end to my curiosity. My brain is packed with tons of odd trivial information that when used improperly labels you as "weird". But under the right conditions just labels you as a little off.
For example. If at a party you were to meet someone and your opening line was "A hamster crawls on average two miles a day.". That could seem a little strange. The other person would probably fly towards the safety of the nearest crowd of people not with you.
"A baby pig under duress can squeel louder than a jet engine." Interesting maybe. Strange definately. Some how I really don't imagine getting many dates with topics like these. Yet still the knowledge of buying a 6 foot shoe still intriges me.
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