This blog entry is dedicated to the people that read this blog thinking my life is filled with action, excitement, beautiful people, and tons of sex. Despite what you may have read on this blog in past entries or possibly in future entries, my life is not like that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sure there are tons of beautiful people that just seem to gravitate toward me and the camera and sure there's excitement, especially when comparing my life to a person sitting in a cubicle among other cubicles, but these things aren't happening every second of the day.
Note to those cubicle people: Your life really isn't that boring and you get a regular pay cheque. Way to go!

Anyhoo, today's "blog worthy" activity to note began with eating at a restaurant just south of College on Spadina. Eating was then followed by attending the summer dance party at the Balmy Beach Club. It was a more mature crowd than the usual other events I've been to recenltly. The venue being outside was a nice change to the venues with the loud ambient noise or music. You could actually have a conversation without losing your vocal cords.

Outside, the quiet patio

Inside, the disco inferno.
"Note to those cubicle people: Your life really isn't that boring"
Gee, why do I feel so insulted.
Sorry. Whenever I think of people in cubicles I think of those people that work at a bank, working "extended" hours into the night, having to poke their head up every few minutes to trigger the light sensor to turn the lights on (during after hours banks use these light sensors to turn off the lights to save money). No one cares about the programmers sitting alone in the cubicles working on code that the management takes for granted, the same management that goes home at 5pm, hours before the programmer gets to go home.
BagelHot are you still feeling a bit down? What sort of "mature" dance party was that? Didn't know they actually existed for the 35+ crowd, and I'm one those "mature" folks. ;-P
Was it a paying gig?
This coming from a guy who claims his butt is frequently being grabbed???
Yes the butt grabbing is still on the rise... so to speak. Someone grabbed my crotch on the boat cruise. It might have been by accident. There were a lot of people with narrow boat passages.
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