Working out the kinks with my panoramic gear.
I got up at about 5:30am, maybe 6:00am. I suppose it was the sun coming through the windows that did it. I spent a few minutes writing a postcard then put on the running shoes, grabbed the tripod, camera gear and went off to the post office. There was one conveniently located just west of our hotel but in the end found a mailbox that was closer between our hotel and the Notre Dame church.
It was a pretty nice time to be out, cooing pigeons and Montreal street cleaners seemed to be the only other people wandering around. I set up my tripod with panoramic gear next to the fountain (see photo) and shot a number of photos. I'm still working out the kinks in the gear.
On my way back into the hotel I bumped into Michelle. She was on her way out to look for a drug store. With nothing better to do I joined her in her quest. With the exception of the local McDonalds and a variety store located near the student residence near the S.A.T. building everything was closed until 9am. This idea seemed incomprehensible to Kyoko who required a place to grab coffee to function.

Brick work

A nice reflection in the windows of old Montreal

Mural over the parking lot across from our hotel

Entrance to our hotel

Fresh out of the taxi on St. Laurent.

Past and maybe present.

"Curse you Santropol!". The restaurant is closed.

A random post hopefully not referring to one's smell.

The Food

Kyoko's Breakfast

A quick shot of where we were

Kyoko the fish

The cross on Mount Royal

The used record, CD, DVD, book store

Where was this?

Michelle is not happy with the consistency of the warm Wendy's Frosty.

My fries in the chilli technique
I really think that you got more out of being in Montreal than I did. You & Hilary put the rest of us to shame with your boundless engery, ability to go with very little sleep and all to squeeze out as much out of the weekend as humanly possible. I had fun but you & Hil had FUN!
You really got some great shots this weekend. And you certainly saw more of this belle village than I did. What I mean by that is, you really see things, you notice the small details and beautiful features of a place. I should go walking with you sometime with my camera & learn to open my eyes. Of course it would help if I didn't drink so much beer...ahem.
While drunk you could probably get more pictures closer to the ground for that worm's eye pov.
A worm's eye prospective, eh?
Good point...after some consideration, I have concluded that you are right. So I will continue to drink beer.
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