Sunday, January 14, 2007

Snow Finally

My garden gnome finally sees snow

I went to the Bloor Theatre to meet up with Marc, Emmaunel and Colin to see the movie "Stranger than fiction". There's a scene that involves cookies which made me think of a transaction between me and the girl that involved cookies. I wondered what reconstituted cookies from the freezer would taste like.

After the movie Colin and I walked down to the College street computer stores. Not really looking to buy anything we just walked from store to store. Like a few pieces of meat that plopped onto the sidewalk in front of us, two birds were attacking each other. It was the oddest thing I've seen in a while. I managed to sneak up on them to grab a quick shot of them in action before they took their fight to the air.

Two birds fighting each other.

Colin Marsh walks the College street computer corridor.

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