The Garden Gnome next to the Tomato plant (that seems to be on steriods)
"september 5th. 2006. What once was an arid landscape not capable of sustaining life now is a lush, living jungle teeming with vegetation."
I lazed around today for the most part. Getting up at 4:00am to call London has made me feel exhausted. It seems gardening is a good thing to do when you want your brain to still be in off mode.
As you can see, what once was a patch of dirt in the backyard has grown into a tomato jungle.

Woo hoo! My first tomato.
Wow! You have some healthy looking tomato plants there. Last time I tried to grow them I ended up with straggly sticks in the ground that grew exactly 0 fruit. I bought some plants today to replace some that have outgrown the pots, which I'll replant elsewhere. The plants are a struggle to keep healthy. The weeds in our garden seem to thrive however!
Your garden is impressive! For a newbie gardener, it seems you are natural green thumb. Keep up the good work.
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