Clancey and Bailey
I went to visit Amanda and Brian today. The main purpose was to drop off a lens cap and a camera body cap that Amanda had lost during our wedding shoot back in September. Months ago, maybe around Christmas, I had bought new caps for both of us but until today had never managed to be able to coordinate a time to meet.
Amanda has two dogs. One is Clancey who has lost a lot of weight since I last saw the dog, the other is Bailey who likes to lick the air around you. He's a very strange dog. If I didn't know any better he was licking the aura around me. I'm not talking a lick here and a lick there. I'm talking a dog that licks the air like a machine gun. The dog is really odd.

Clancey tries to lick my face
photo taken by Amanda Shear
I'm more of a cat person myself and I think the reason why is because although I am fond of dogs I'm not fond of their slobber. Dogs also smell odd when they get wet. That said, being around friendly dogs is okay from time to time.
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