The JP restaurant's chicken corn soup and chicken burger.
I spent most of the day lounging around. I woke up pretty late as I spent a long time last night at Andrew's going through the photos we shot. My energy has been pretty low these last few days and I've been telling myself that I should really get around to packing stuff up for the move at the end of the month.
I went to the local rent-a-car to buy some moving boxes. I dropped the boxes off at home then found myself across the street ordering a chicken corn soup and a chicken burger. Someone once asked me "Why a chicken burger?". It's not just any chicken burger. I has to be a burger made up of particle chicken compressed together and then battered so when it's fried it's crunchy. Some places put a chicken breast on a bun. I don't like them even though they're probably better for you and are made with better quality meat. Nope it's got to be a particle chicken burger.
You'd be surprised at how difficult it is to find a greasy spoon that sells these things. With the trend to be healthy by eating food that's good for you the particle chicken burger seems to be a rare find these days.
While working on Earth Final Conflict during the first three seasons (from 1997 to 1999). I used to get my fix from a place called King's Flame. Even after I moved and stopped working on EFC I'd visit the neighbourhood just to get a chicken burger or two. They are no longer there as Nick the owner sold the place.
Luckily there are three places near me that sell chicken burgers. Pizzatime, a place who's name doesn't cry out chicken burger has the less expensive burger. At $2.50 you can get a burger with a pop. I'm not sure what they fry the burger in but it almost tastes like fish. Another is the New Family Restaurant. While the chicken burger there tastes good and they have fat french fries they cut their burgers in half like a sandwich. This seems wrong to me. Finally there's the JP restaurant. The fries aren't that great but the burger is made correctly and tastes great and it served as one piece. On the plus side they also have chicken corn soup.
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