Marc at the Congee Queen sitting behind the tofu pork dish with rice.
Marc and I went to the Congee Queen today. It's a restaurant located near Lawrence just west of Don Mills, a bit far from where I live but well worth it, especially if you have that congee craving. I had called Hilary, the only other person I know that has audibly said she appreciated congee, to see if she wanted to go. As it turned out she was pretty sick and couldn't. I told her I could get her some take away and drop it off on my way downtown.
Marc and I ordered quite a bit of food. It was only after we put in our order Marc figured that he'd have to leave in twenty minutes to go to his sister's for a thanksgiving dinner. It was unfortunate but I was just happy to be fullfilling my congee craving. We pushed the food down. At least I did. Marc tends to eat fast anyway.
Marc dropped me off at a subway station and continued on to his sister's. I eventually arrived at Hilary's and knocked on the door. As soon as I knocked, the clouds above let go of a whole lot of rain. There was no answer at the door. I managed to wedge myself next to the door in order to stay dry under the tiny, tiny (poor excuse for an) awning.

It's raining like crazy... and I'm trapped under a tiny awning.
I took out my cell phone to call her and realized I didn't have her number programmed in. "D'oh!". I knocked again and as if the clouds were echoing my comparatively pitiful knocking a huge loud thunder clap sounded. The rain seemed like it was part of a typhoon. Buckets were coming down. The water was starting to creep into my dry space under the awning.
After about ten minutes of trying to figure out if I should bolt away down the street to avoid getting soaked and realizing that I'd get soaked in the first two steps away from the front door, the front door opened. It was Hilary. The funny thing was she didn't hear my knocking but came downstairs to check on Professor Coconut to see if the downstairs neighbour's cat was stuck out in the rain. There was even a baby audio monitor set outside to monitor the cat meowing. Yet she didn't hear my knocking at the door or me yelling "hello".
As things seemed to work out and I was happy just to be inside where it was dry I handed Hilary the bag of congee and joined her and her room mate for tea while the rain subsided before making my way downtown.

Hilary with Congee Queen congee
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