Daniel holds two CDs containing my overnight work.
After the visit to the gallery I got some food and went back home to work on some compositing for a friend who has been working on a film for the last few months. Like most projects I thought it would be a relatively quick turnaround time. I started on the shot with the longest duration to get it out of the way and it ended up taking about five hours to get the proper track. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep that night. I would lie in bed while waiting for the computer to crank out it's results, then get back up to do some tweeks.
This lasted until about 11am the next day. Daniel came over and thought the results were great. Once he left with the tests on CD, I continued to plow through the other shots until about 8pm. He came by to pick up the finals. A little burnt out and extremely tired I got Daniel to drive me through the snow to the Bejing House. A chinese resturant where I would meet up with Darryl for food.
Originally I had planed to go back to Sushi Island for their eight dollar all you can eat vegetarian special. Today was the last day it was offered. I went there last night and the staff said I should go back to take advantage of this fleeting deal. Fortunately Al didn't get my message in time and Tracy never got back to me. Which in the end was all well and good. Sushi Island is all the way across town and the snow was incredible. Did I mention it was freezing?
After eating the chinese food I went over to Darryl's to watch the tail end of "XXX" with Vin Disel. It was playing on CityTV. Then I wandered back home. Originally waiting for a streetcar, I gave up and just walked back home through the mini snow dunes. I kept thinking I should have worn my boots instead of the zero traction leather shoes. What was I thinking? It took about 40 minutes before I got home and instantly fell asleep.
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