My eyeball upon waking up
I woke up with a very red eye this morning. What the heck? Did I poke my eyeball while sleeping? If so, with what? Of course I had to take a picture to share with all of you. I'm actually getting pretty good at shooting my own eye with a flash in one hand and the camera in the other. It only took about 30 tries to get this shot.
Dude, that is way gross.
Red eye is basically burst blood vessels. You can can also get it by bearing down too hard. Now the gross part, some women giving birth will get red eye, but for men, it can be because you had a hard poo. Yes, I can talk about poo like this -- I've been changing poo diapers for 2.5 years. We're trying to potty train, but it's going very, very slowly...but I digress...
Considering that I didn't wake up with brown steamy stuff I'll have to nix the poo diagnosis.
I get red-eye after hard drinking and long dumps -- which usually go hand in hand.
Red eye can appear the next day after bearing down hard, so one can have a hard poo the day before -- snicker.
P.S. I heard Zee is going to be a parent soon, so he'll know all about diaper poos soon enough.
I hear excessive masterbation can result in red-eye.
Anonymous might be on to something. It sounds better than the poo theory.
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