Christos brings in the surprsied Natasha
Friday night I arrived at the Foggy Dew to add another body to the surprise birthday gathering. As most surprise birthdays are generally flops this one went pretty well. Natasha, my ex-roommate, was actually crying with tears of joy (or maybe anger that her boyfriend could pull a stunt like this off without her knowing) when she showed up.

A quick cut and paste panaramic picture of the people that showed up

"Hey Monica, That'll teach you to make faces at the lens."

The birthday continues...

What's a birthday without cake.
I think that you're right on both points. I've never seen Tasha so speechless in the absence of large quantities of alcohol. She alternated between crying and punching Christos and then hugging him to deal with the situation. Large quantities of alcohol followed to ease the pain.
Regarding the fish lady, I always warn her that her face is going to freeze like that someday...
It is I....the fish lady! I think that is the HOTTEST picture of me to date! 10/10. I belong on SpongeBob SquarePants...maybe I could date Patrick. :)
wow. that's my sister up there. oh, she is loved. that makes me happy as i write this comment from a far. as i was unable to attend, i thank you, derek, for kindly mediating the fĂȘte so i can feel as though i was. oh yes. bien fait. all my love, middle marchand
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