Liz Andrejeva - Model
I've spent the previous few days prepping for today model shoot. Finding a studio space, moving a bunch of gear to the studio location, charging all the batteries I own, cleaning all the camera components. The later taking the most time as I tried to get rid of some dust on the sensor. What a pain that was.
Overall, pretty much everything fell together. After setting a date with the model to shoot I managed to find a make up artist. A Leanna Spina who just happened to be available. A studio space became available and volia instant photoshoot.
I met Leanna a while ago before at one of Darryl's Film Festivals. I'm really not sure what she was doing then but for some reason that fact that she was a make up artist stuck with me. It was later when Amanda recommended her that my brain clicked "Oh yeah, hey, I know her."
The photo shoot lasted about 5 hours with a small break in between. I got a few good shots in but I think my hit to miss ratio could have been better. I suppose that comes with experience.
ADDED NOTE: Oooh, hey, the photo's color scheme works with the new blog interface.
So hows the new studio?
Constructive criticism: Rim and fill light!! Looking a little dark and soft in the face...
I like this particularly "dark" picture although I think it would have been neat to give her more contrast.
Probably stems from watching the X-files all week.
Ya, I know where you're coming from with that, but the darkness you have there seems sort of indecisive... not strong enough to look intentional. Plus it does look a bit soft. I think a rim light would also define her nicely, without taking away from the darkness of the face...
Ya, more contrast.
Just my 2 cents... One artist to another.
Thanks Anonymous. As for the softness you're not the first person to comment on the softness of the images. I'm wondering if that has something to do with uploading the images to blogger or resizing them. Will get back to you on this.
A tip (if you didn't know already):
If using Photoshop, use Unsharpen Mask rather than Sharpen (which adds noise after a certain level). Also, if you scale a large image down, it's better to scale it down a bit, then a bit more, then a bit more, etc, etc, until you get to the desired size (rather than doing it in one huge scale-down). As well (part 2), when scaling things down, you should apply a bit of Unsharpen Mask to it to bring back a bit of the sharpness lost in scaling it down...
Final tip: By removing the adhesive strip of a PostIt, it can easily become a regular, non-stick piece of paper!
(Ah, looks like the medication finally kicked in....)
It's sad. I still miss D-paint.
Love the local model shoots. Keep them coming...
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