Monday, November 15, 2010


Fashion editor of FAB, Max Macdonald interviews hairstylist Oribe Canales.

Oribe, for those not in the know, is not just a hair stylist he is one of the best and renowned the world over. Mainly from working with well known celebrities and photographers (see his wiki page here). At the time of the interview I didn't know any of this. It was just another assignment for FAB.

Max had been going on about him as soon as he knew he was going to interview him. I blocked most of that out. When photographing people I'd rather just concentrate on the person and not how famous they are. After all when dealing with famous people you treat them like any other person. If they're nice to you, you're nice back. If they're crumby to you hopefully you don't spend a lot of time with them and move on.

Oribe talks to Max about Justin Bieber's doo (among other things).

From the interview and spending a short moment taking photos afterwards I have this to say. Not only is Oribe well dressed, well mannered, with great stories, he is also a very gracious open individual. Max and I found the time we had with him to be too short. Personally I could have listened to his celebrity stories for hours. We didn't even get to ask him about his work with some of the more famous American photographers.

It was a real privilege to be able to meet him even if only briefly.

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