Chau in the Food Hall
So I guess to start off, as it's been quite a while since I blogged anything. Since my last entry I've been to Santo Domingo and some other parts of the Dominican Republic, to three cities in the U.S.A; Cleveland; New York; Atlanta, and now I'm in Auckland, New Zealand. It's all been for work. But when I could I would try to get some exploring in. I'll have to go back and fill in stuff. Sometime when I can find the time I guess.
So today, I spent the morning eating, sleeping and sorting through files. We had a day off today to help us get back onto working days. We worked friday night/saturday morning. Shifting work hours takes a toll on the body so I was glad when production decided to let us have the day off today. We will make up for it by working Tuesday through to Saturday and only have Sunday off, but it's still nice to be able to sleep in for an extra day.
So in New Zealand there's a place called PB tech, it's kind of like a Canada Computers or Best Busy. We drove 20 minutes south to the superstore location so I could pick up a projector. Around the same place we found this food hall. This was a large open space with about six to eight food stalls all covered with photos of what you could order. It was sensory overload, hundreds of 8x11 food photos with prices.
Photographed above is Chau sandwiched between our order numbers.