Narnia - the Christmas window version
I was walking by the Hudson's Bay Company today and notcied that they have their Christmas windows up. This year it's a recreation of the Narina story. I felt it was a bit of a sell out as Narina is being shoved down everyone throats this year to compete with Harry Potter. I wondered if someone in higher managment was getting some kind of kick back for this.

A family in front of the Bay check out the window displays
I missed the Santa's workshop theme. Elves skating, making snowmen, working in the toy shop, that sort of thing. At least the Bay was attempting to put something in the store windows for kids. There were a few years that went by where they didn't do anything. I wonder if that was a money cost thing or if people just don't go looking at store windows like they used to. Now thinking about it if you're shopping, chances are you're inside the nice warm mall as opposed to the cold outside.
Chalk up another cool thing that this generations kids will miss out on. It's right up there with turning the dial on the TV with a wrench (because the TV dial with it's space age plastic broke off).
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