Jet (Guitar/vocals) and Sadie (vocals) of the Threat.
I put off an appointment to see an editor about photography rates and canceled dinner with cupcake in order to go to Niagara Falls to film the skylon tower from a helicopter. As it turns out I found out at the last minute the trip to Niagara Falls was cancelled. This left me with a big gap in my "busy" schedule leaving me with not a lot to do. I suppose I could have gone over to see what's new at Monster Records but instead I ended up burning the pictures taken last halloween on to CD and travelling across town to deliver them to Craig's mail box.
While executing this made to order task I ran into Sadie (aka Sarah), singer, trumpet/piano player of the Threat and the Tijuana Bibles. The same Tijuana Bibles band that Craig was/is in. I found out through Sarah that the Threat was playing later on that evening at the Silver Dollar. Voila. Evening plans.
The Silver Dollar, for those of you that haven't been there or were too drunk to remember, is rather narrow as the front of the stage and the bar are quite close to one another. Off to the sides of the stage there are seats and tables which is great for listening to the bands play but not not good to see the bands head on. Also due to the close proximity of the bar a lot of people gather in the area in front of the stage. It makes maneuvering around a bit difficult when taking pictures.
Despite the crowd I managed to get some good shots of the band while at the same time meeting some girls at the bar. While it's not in my nature to take advantage of drunk girls, it is in my nature to take pictures of them. Especially if they ask me to take their picture while showing me their underwear. What am I going to say, "No"?

"Fish net stockings and panties - a nice combo"
Wow! I'm impressed. You've captured that girl's beautiful behind quite well. I wish I was a photographer that had girls showing me their body parts. Bagelhot rules!
God, I hope that was a girl.
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