A van that seems normal at first...

...until you get a closer look (double click picture to zoom in).
Was wandering around queen street and happened to see this van with a guy sitting in it. The thing that made it odd was that there was a crap load of plastic toys glued to the inside of the van and the van was covered in pennies. One wonders why someone would do this to their van.
As I approached the van. I noticed tiny type in the rear window that read...
Hommage to Canada
This car is for the next generation
Fernandez Gallery
A brain started reeling with bad images. For starters I could imagine a kid asking his dad, "Can I borrow the penny mobile tonight?". A penny found is good luck. Getting run over by a bunch of them is not. Makes cents. Anyone else want to add their two cents?
See a penny, pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck... see a penny let it lie and you will want before you die.
I'm to believe it's Scottish, and I've found it so far to be true.
Do you remember once long, long ago when we were visiting High Park and went south to Lakeshore and there was a whole dollar or so of pennies laying on the road at a light and I picked them all up during each red light while traffic was stopped? Ah, happy memories of traffic and pennies...
I agree with you Robin, I would never pass by a penny without picking it up (unless it was in a pile of.....) It's not that I'm cheap. I will give money to charity or people who need it, I will buy the more expensive product if I feel it's more ethical, but somehow it just seems wrong to let any amount of money lay on the ground, it seems stuck up or disrespectful. I have seen a few people begging for change and then throwing any pennies they get away, there was a girl who would a beg outside of Bloor Supersave and there was always a ton of pennies on the ground around her. I always thought "why should I give you a quarter if you can't be bothered to pick up the 75 pennies on the ground around you" Maybe she couldn't add.
This was my fathers van....
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