I'm not really sure what Gord is doing here.
A group of us bowled in memory of Laura, who passed away last week. As Laura was fond of hats we wore various head gear ranging from something a mountie would wear to a lobster hat I found in Nova Scotia at some tourist trap type store. The object was to have fun in the Laura spirit of things. I suppose all we needed was a guenia-pig to complete the picture.
We played five pin bowling. For those that aren't familiar with five pin bowling you bowl with a ball the size of a nice round grapefruit. There are only five pins. Other than that I'm not really sure what other rules differ from the 10 pin cousin. Five pin bowling is a Canadian invention for all you trivia nuts out there.

Paula with a love jam hat and Gord with a baseball cap.

Rob the mountie

Bowling is hard work

Watching Gord bowl

Rob and Chris change hats

Gord lets one loose
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