Waiting for the bus to the Sports Center... she looks way too awake.
The past week has been a smorgasbord of photo ops documenting and the fun and adventure of a bunch of girls on skates from around the world and today, Day five, my body was telling me that I should really stay in bed and catch up on sleep. Still exhausted from the night before and probably the accumulation of all the other days shooting I forced myself to wake up, get out of bed, and get down to the shuttle bus.
Another morning person
I'm sure last night's fish bowl added to the feeling of being wiped out. You have to wonder how these roller girls do it. They party all night and then skate the next day. All I have to do is run around taking a few photos here and there. If I'm tired and bleary eyed I can use autofocus.

Thank god people with coffee... I'm not the only one that needs waking up.
At least I was clear headed, not like the spinning, wobbly room dizziness that last year’s lemonade vodka slushie guitar gave me. Casino pumped oxygen probably wouldn't do much at this point. I was so tired.
Like drones we load up onto the bus on autopilot.

Martini, Ayna Face, and Classic Joker
Our bus attendant telling us to keep our heads down

Anya Face and Classic Joker make their way to the Sport Center
The REF jam

Thomas Refferson head to head with Justice Feelgood Marshall
Classic Joker, Lead Jammer
Man O Pause, skating and recording
Slippery floor

Tommy Toxic, One of the winners of the Tequila Mockingbird draw

Ref city

The girls working the Tequila Mockingbird draw
Another Tequila prize winner!

Hey, even I won stuff... woo woo!! You can be a winner too by donating here.
Sista Fista (54U)

RollerCon volunteers


Saying "Hi" to Miss Carriage. back in Hamilton
1 comment:
OK the coffee picture isn't my best one but the face states the case. Hot Vegas weather at 9:30am. I love the piture you are amazing Thank You!
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