My garden gnome half buried in snow
Leanna popped by again today to work on the web stuff. We went to the local Indian buffet restaurant for lunch. I ate enough to feed a small army. When Leanna eventually went home I immediately fell asleep... most likely from over stuffing myself with food.

Another photo for Leanna's wall-o-food.
I think Leanna is the best part of your blog. Can I upgrade to the premium bagelhot subscription with more Leanna pics ?
May I use your buried garden gnome picture (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Up_ZTU6xNYU/RgPIWyyfTyI/AAAAAAAABZU/T9XuYR8nC4o/s1600/blog1841_TheBuriedGnome800.jpg) for a small (~30 students) class I'll be presenting next Monday?
The title of the class is "Uproot Awkward Columnar HATS" because I'll be talking about two software packages, Uproot (reads ROOT files) and Awkward Array (analyzes non-rectangular arrays), which are both used for columnar analysis, and HATS are Hands-on Advanced Tutorial Sessions at Fermilab. It's a rather nerdy joke.
I'll leave your copyright message on the side; I just thought it would be a nice way to start. Google is probably giving you my contact information, but in case they don't, it's jpivarski at GMail.
Hi Jim,
Thank you for asking for permission. Yes, you can use this photo for what you’ve described. I like nerdy jokes.
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