Jessica Gorlicky, jewelery designer, painter, artist
Today really started at 10pm last night at which point I got a call from the girl. As conversations go, one thing led to another and after a bit of time I noticed I was stretching my back. Glancing over at the microwave clock and I noticed that, Holy gads! It was 4:00am. By 4:30 we said out good-byes and hung up the phone. I was up for another hour and a half watching TV before drifting off to sleep.
Four hours later I woke up with both feet running, so to speak. I had a bunch of things on my list to do today which I thought about while napping. Photo CDs to burn, deliver and a job interview for a hair salon photo shoot. I was referred to the hair salon owners by the same reporter that interviewed me for the Liberty Gleener. The article in the Gleener occurred while shooting Andrew's Jumpsuits for the Design Exchange contest.
The interview by the owner of the hair salon went well and I've been commissioned to shoot a bunch of hair styles this coming Sunday. Once the interview was over I hopped onto the subway and made my way up north to Finch and Yonge. It was there that I dropped off a bunch of photos I had shot of So(da)liscious during fashion week. Jewelry designer, Jessica Gorlicky hadn't gotten any photos for fashion week or her work. Through various channels found that I had taken pictures and had asked if she could get a few to help advertise her work.
It was about 4:30pm by this point and I had to meet the girl down at Eglinton and Yonge at the local Indigo bookstore for 6:30pm. I managed to dawdle but still ended up at the bookstore an hour early. Luckily being a bookstore I managed to peruse the magazine section for about half an hour, then made my way up to the Art section, and photography coffee table books.
It was there that I ran into Melissa Potter. She was searching for some Beatles CDs for Christmas presents. Helping her look for Beatles titles in the bargain and talking to her managed to kill some time. My watch beeped indicating it was 6:30. I left Melissa in a line up for purchases and went back downstairs to the magazine section.
It was about 7:15pm by the time the girl showed up. She had left a few messages on my cell phone saying she'd be a bit late. At the time I was engrossed in reading a bunch of hair stylist magazines. Which today I found quite interesting. Technical breakdowns of lighting and posing ran through my head when I noticed the girl out of the corner of my eye.
From the bookstore we ventured across the street to a place called Alleycats. A bar/pub like restaurant where a networking meeting was being held. We were to meet up with Emmanuel. We didn't stay long as it was packed, the ambient noise was too loud to hear anyone say anything, and the place had smalls of frying fish. That and the older high school reunion guys (that looked like they were in their 60s or 70s) were checking out "the girl". There were a few meetings there that night.
Back across the street, to the Indigo side, we ended up finding a quiet Japanese restaurant. It was the exact opposite of where we just were. The booth we were given to sit in was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The girl was already tired from work and I started feeling the effects of not having any sleep and being on the go all day.
Eventually we finished eating and I walked her to the bus stop. Happy, tired, I managed to wave at her as she got on the bus spun around and headed home. The the intersectino I ran into my Dad of all people. Him and my mom were coming out of a movie press screening. It was weird talking to them on the way home.
Once inside my apartment I crashed almost instantly.
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