Felix gets caught looking.
While walking to the back of the house to do laundry I noticed the next door neighbour's cat looking at me from the cellar window of their house. On my next pass to throw the laundry in the drier I took my camera as well.
I surprised the cat by taking my camera out of the laundry pile (see picture above). Once the first picture was taken the cat went into spy mode or peep mode (see photo below). "You can't see me but I can see you."

Felix back in peep mode.

Roger takes a macro photo.
I went to Vistek today to rent a 105 macro lens. It was only $20. I wanted to use it over the weekend to do some tests. I've been brainstorming an idea for a gallery opening. More details to follow.
Here's a photo of Roger at Monster Records taking a picture of a Boba Fett. We were comparing how close we could shoot with each of our cameras. Who could out macro (or micro if you're Nikon) each other. Maybe a little geeky.
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