Me as Max Ernst (surrealist painter)
Melanie's boyfriend is going on tour to Germany to kick some butt... literally. He's a kick boxer. In order to help raise money and have fun along the way Mel conceived a party themed around all that's German. The colors of red, black, and gold were all over from the streamers on the wall to the Jello shooters.
I originally wanted to go as Albert Einstein mainly so I could reuse that old lab coat I have in my wardrobe. Unfortunately finding the Einstein wig proved to be too much work at auch short notice. Someone, I think it was Leanna, told me to put talcum powder in my hair and just make it look like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket. As my hair has been getting longer, I've been letting it grow, that seemed pretty easy as I'd just have to go to the party with bed head.
Talcum powder gets all over stuff though and what if it rained? As I didn't want to leave a trail of white dough where ever I went the talcum powder idea was nixed. I thought about dying my hair white but that idea was tossed when I thought of trying to explain my hair at the passport office or at customs.
Finally I thought I'd just go to the local party store and try to find something there. It's my Party, located on the Danforth came to mind. I went there and found a Andy Warhol type wig. It was perfect until I got home and found out Andy wasn't German. Turns out he was an American with a Hungarian background. It was then that I scoured the web and found Max Ernst. Then with some artist liberties (adding some artsy glasses), viola!

Suzi poses in the mirror.

Melanie as the GI Joe Baroness

Jackie as Beethoven

Jello shooters

Clothes off and dance.
At one point while engrossed in a conversation with someone, I went to look up and there were half naked girls dancing around. When did the party take this direction? We ended up staying until about 6:50, thinking we'd have breakfast as local restaurants started opening at 6:00, but by that point most of us were really tired so we ended up going home, or in my case, crashing on Melanie's newly bought fold out mattress in her living room. Which I would liek to say was quite comfortable.

The drink table
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