Superman and the Sub-Mariner
I went to the FanExpo today. After the fiasco of two years ago I figured it was time for me to visit the convention centre again and see if anything improved. While seeing Shatner and Nimoy together two years ago was cool, the organization of the convention was a little nutty (by that I mean poor). Mainly the lack of signage was the thing that irked me the most.
The plus side to this years convention was that I was being hired by Anchor Bay to do some photography tomorrow. I ended up going to the convention today to see where the rooms were located, a bit of advance reconnaissance you might say. Another added bonus was that I was accompanied by Ian Jennings, a fan of the FanExpo.
Ian's positive outlook and easy going nature made going to the convention enjoyable. I quickly forgot about all the crazy waiting in lines as I absorbed all the movie and background artist news Ian started rambling off. It was like he was tuning in some television feed from somewhere.

Another surprise was meeting Gord. I've known Gord for years... sort of. Way back when, before multiplex theatres, some would argue when theatres were actually good, I kept bumping into Gord while waiting in various line ups to various movies.
Movies used to only play in one of two theatres that were great in your area. Being the movie geek you wanted to go for the first showing at one of those premiere theatres. Cutting classes, sleeping overnight, and taking turns in line while others did the bathroom or food break or went home to sleep, were par for course. While I never did the overnight thing, I did play the Kevin Bacon game with a group of strangers while standing in the front of a line for eight hours. "Empire Strikes Back", "Return of the Jedi", "Batman", "Terminator 2" (the last one I remember waiting for), were just some titles I waited for hours in the front of the line to see.
The University theatre (now a Pottery Barn), the Imperial Six (replaced by stores), the Uptown (replaced by a condominium), the York (now an exercise gym), the Eglington (I'm not sure? Is it still there?), these were the great Toronto theatres of yesterday. This is where I met Gord, fellow movie geek.

Michael Cho
I was surprised to see Michael Cho. Not because he was there but more because I had recognized him from seeing his name somewhere else. His work was also featured at the Pages bookstore in their window display. I love his artwork, the sense of composition and amount of black used.

Sam Agro
Another artist who I knew but didn't knew drew, is Sam. For some reason it never clicked in my brain that he drew even though he did put in a submission to Darryl's HLAP magazine. I always think of Sam as a great improv performer.

Kristy Swanson and Ian Jennings
The original Buffy. Kristy Swanson was at the FanExpo was really nice and for a measly $10 would pose for photos.

Richard Comely and Ian Jennings
A high point at the FanExpo was Ian bumping into Richard Comely of Captain Canuck fame. Ian had been looking for this artist for the last four years at the FanExpo and kept missing him. When Ian saw the T-shirt I thought he was going to break out in tears of joy. I don't think I've ever seen someone gush over a comic book artist to this degree. It was pretty incredible.

Rob Pincombe of the Random Few
Cartoonist, animator, improv guy, Rob Pincombe is seen collecting art work from Sam and some other artists in the artist alley.
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