A bunch of us pose for the camera on auto timer
Adam Shalaby, a great photographer and as it turns out a great party organizer, invited me along with some really interesting people to his apartment for a T-shirt party. No, not a wet t-shirt party... the only shirt to get wet (that I know of) was mine as I tried to get a mustard stain out. The party theme was to wear a unique T-shirt.
Shirts that read "I hate you... call me", "Once you go black you never go back", "Fuck you you fuckin' fuck", "I like Commerce", "Oops! I crapped my pants!", "Si Oui, Yes" and my shirt "Poutine, cest bon." were just some of the solgans that I read. There was even a shirt with Adam on it from a photo I shot a few months ago! (see below)

This is so hilarious!
Like most great parties, it's the people who go to them that make it a success and like most great parties it was not long enough.
Adam Shax is a great photographer! I'm just average.
PS - Copyright infringement!!!
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