Lydia displays the wrapped gift - what can it be?
There's the odd time that you see something somewhere and it's screams "so-and-so has got to have this!" and because so-and-so is your friend you buy it and give it to them even if it's not their birthday or Christmas. It's one of those things that just has to make it into their hands as quick as possible.
Like giving the ring to Hal Jordan, the leather jacket to the Fonz, or spinach to Popeye, the item seems to complete them some how. It's that great. You don't find these things that often so when you do you've got to nab it right away. Who knows the next time you'll come across something so fitting?
This happened a few days ago. I was visiting Monster Records and on the way from there to the train station I saw a window display that screamed "Lydia!". I stood in front of the Shopaganda window for a bit checking out the display before going in.
They had done a great job on presentation. Usually they have crazy items in the window that make me stop to look when ever I pass by. This time it was a bunch of stuffed steaks and ham bones in the window hanging off string much like you would see in a butcher shop. Yes, stuffed, like in "stuffed" animals.
Lydia is one of those friends known for her knowledge and appreciation of meat, a meat connoisseur if you will. From bacon to steak to rabbit and lamb. If you have a question about meat, from purchasing, cooking to storage, you go to her. I don't think I've ever met anyone that liked bacon so much. I like bacon but on the Lydia loving bacon scale I probably only rate a 5, maybe a 6.
It's because of her love for meat that this stuffed ham bone seemed like a good purchase. So that's what I did, then bused it out to Hamilton to deliver it.

Lydia's ham reaction.

Melanie becomes victim of the ham.

Appreciating the ham.
It's the reaction as seen in the photos above that make the trip and the purchase worth while.
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