My pulled wisdom tooth.
After gleefully going to the dentist today I found that I had a tooth not only coming out, from being my wisdom tooth, but that it also had a cavity (see big hole in tooth). Brush your teeth kids. With a few pokes of a needle, I think it was to freeze my jaw, the dentist pulled the sucker out in record time.
There was a sharp pain while he was doing it but it was nothing compared to drinking the lemonade the other day. After the tooth extraction the dental assistant stuffed my mouth with gauze. She was about to throw out the tooth but I decided to hang on to it so I could photograph it later (and maybe stuff it under my pillow for the tooth fairy... uh yeah right).
It's not everyday I find something interesting to shoot with my Nikon 990 anymore. It's been relegated to taking pictures in macro mode or using my wide angle lens. Before I got the tooth from the assistant it was drenched in blood. The assistant washed it off to the PG rating you see above. The gauze is real. They gave me a wad to change the dressing over the course of the night. The metal floor is actually a metal tray I bought a while ago to serve cookies. I've never used it until now. The "blood" on the metal tray is actually food coloring to give the image a more fresh look. I lit the scene using my Nikon SB-800 speedlight with two FL-G2AWB +0.3EV filters on it to give the scene a more drab look.
Have you ever thought of shooting photos for the covers of horror/suspense novels?
Dude, that is so wrong - not the tooth itself, but the fake blood... That's some cavity!
I have bad memories of you not brushing your teeth... I hope you are brushing them now...
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