A news stand and police box (or maybe Tardis)
With fashion week in London now over it was time to do the touristy thing and explore the UK. After having breakfast (a Marks and Spencer sandwich) near my hotel I joined Josie and Andrew in their rental car for a trip to Bath and Bristol.

Some apartments near my hotel

Gas prices... yeesh.
I slept in the backseat while on the road driving. I'd wake everytime we pulled over. Once at a gas station and once at a Moto pitstop (a cluster of food places, arcade, washroom, gas station all rolled into one).

The Moto pitstop

Inside the Moto pitstop

a ketchup packet
Note: the ketchup tastes different in the UK compared to North America. It's more vinegary.

A tiny garbage can on the tables of the restaurant

A drinking station for travelling pets.

accident on the highway

An ice cream oyster with a flakie
The oyster tasted like a stale ice cream cone covered with chocolate and coconut and like a taco exploded once you bit into it. It looked nice but wasn't that practical. Side note: Ice cream in the UK tastes creamier.

Bath, the town
The town of Bath is a small touristy place with a lot of recognisable store names. It was built around a spring that the Romans had found way back when. The Romans built a bath house around the natural warm water hence the name of the town.

A narrow street in Bath

I liked the umbrella.

The church right next to the Roman Bath house.

The upper level of the Roman bath house.

The main level

The cold water room, now a wishing well.

A street marker of some kind.

A sewer cover.

"Wow, that kite looks far away..."

"...or maybe not."

Pedal power

the river

A statue for Kind Edward.

Large tree, tiny opening.

Some weird pop flavor.

A busker sings.

Josie and Andrew with the bubble rental car.
After the exploration of Bath is was back into the car with our goal being finding somewhere to eat. We ended up in Bristol. If you're in the neighborhood check out the "Bordeaux Quay" restaurant, the food is amazing. Why it's bagelhot!

Boat loaders in Bristol

Parking lot

Where's Jacques Cousteau when you need him?

A fancy restuarant we ended up eating at.
Interesting that in the UK, ketchup has a slightly more vinegary taste. In the Philippines, ketchup is made from mashed bananas, sugar, vinegar, spices and red food colouring. I wasn't too crazy about it, being raised on the tomato based variety here.
Oooh, now as part of your experiment you have to come and stay with us and do 'ketchup in Oz'. Although we call it 'tomato sauce' not ketchup. If I pay alot extra I can buy tomato sauce in a container called "Ketchup". John thinks it tastes better so I always buy this overpriced tomato sauce. Even if I show him the ingredients list (same) he still says Ketchup tastes better.
Cupcake - that sounds foul.
re the ice cream: I don't think you got a representative sample. And the clam was made for looks.
Love your sewer grate pic.
Speaking of manhole covers, I remember reading a long explanation about why manhole covers are round. I found a good version of it on wikipedia.
Manhole Cover - Wikipedia
Actually, I don't really find it that interesting, I just like saying "man hole".
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