An alien couple on their honeymoon
I had got roped into helping Jill and Darryl shoot a 3D film in high park today. I was feeling a bit under the weather and crabby. Most likely due to the lack of sleep over the last few days. I sat waiting for about 20 minutes at an entrance to High Park to find no one had shown up.
Just when I was about to leave I saw Darryl whiz by on his bike and fly up the Bloor street hill. I tried shouting but my voice was still a bit screwy from the laryngitis. I came to the realization that I might have gotten the wrong directions. I left a message on Jill's cell phone and was waiting for someone to call me back.
I really have to get a cart or something with wheels to carry all my stuff. The two suitcases of camera lenses with the 3D gear, the remotes, the light stands and my cameras were feeling a lot heavier today. I carried them up the hill to the other entrance. They they were.
Trudging through the park after finding them to look for a location to shoot put me in a foul mood. The lack of organization was rubbing me the wrong way. Like I said before I was tired and irritable. On top of that I thought I was going to throttle Darryl when he started suggesting last minute adjustments to the cameras and the direction to shoot. As a note to myself, I should always trust my instincts when it comes to photography, we ended up shooting into the sun.
Over the course of spending nine hours in the bush a calm eventually washed over me. The realization that I was going to give all the photos to Darryl to deal with all the post work made me a bit happier. It was also nice to see the people from Jill's previous shoot.
Being behind the camera and using new technology that I've configured is always a good thing in the end. By the end of the day I was feeling much better.
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