Melanie Gillis (studio owner) and Annie Ling (featured Hamilton photographer)
Every second friday of the month there's an art crawl in Hamilton. This month featured Annie Ling and her photos taken around Hamilton. What? Hamilton? Yes, Hamilton. Surprisingly there are some interesting things to be shot in Hamilton despite it being known as a small burb spewing factory crud in the air.
Annie had her photos projected on the wall from Mels' laptop. It was nice because you could see the photos large taking up the whole wall but at the same time you couldn't linger on any as each photo was up for only a pre set amount of time.

Carl looks at Mel's work

What the???
At one point I lent my camera to Jackie who was taking pictures until this guy pulled down his pants to moon her. She looked away but before he got to pull up his pants I took the camera from Jackie and shot this photo without looking through the lens (hence the blurriness) .

A gathering in Mel's studio kitchen
Eventually my stomach gave way to making me go look for food. So Trevor, Laine and I walked over to the Plucker where Trevor pulled a few strings to order me some food just five minutes before the kitchen closed. I ordered the coconut shrimp and the bison burger (with fires and gravy). I inhaled the shrimp before I thought to take out the camera. Yes, I was that hungry.

My burger at the Plucker

Trying to make a happy face with mustard
I slept over at Mel's on her couch. I think I got about two hours sleep total, between 4am and 6am. Not wanting to wake anyone I did a photo session with Seven, the cat of the house and stalked the cat as it made it's way into the living room (where I was).
I make things a bit difficult the cat kept moving around. I wanted to shoot with two flashes. One for the cat (tungsten) and one for the background (blue). It was a challenge to set up the two flashes while the cat was in one place because eventaully, at about the same time I was ready to take a shot, the cat would move. It took several tries to capture Seven in a way I thought looked interesting enough with the lights looking okay. I didn't want the blue light to dominate the photo just add color to the background.

Mel's cat, Seven

Seven in front of the window (all natural light).

Seven lit with artificial light (daylight from flash one, amber light for the background flash two)

Mel at Steve's for breakfast
Around 9am Mel and I went to the Plucker to eat breakfast only to find the pub wasn't open until 11am. We ended up at Steve's (some breakfast type restaurant). I ordered a standard two eggs with bacon and toast breakfast. I was pacing myself for dim sum at noon.

Mel in front of her studio computer
Following breakfast we ended up at Mel's studio where she checked to see how trahed the place was from the previous night. Surprisingly it wasn't. While she checked her email I took a few shots around the studio with the nice mid-morning light.

Me at Mel's studio
Then back to Pluckers where we ordered some pineapple juice and eventually met up with Trevor. He was putting together a fish recipe for dinner. Eventually Mel left to shoot at the studio leaving Trevor and me with Laine who also dropped by for a bite to eat.

Trevor at the Plucker writing notes for his fish receipe
We, that is Trevor, Laine and I, left the Plucker to go pick up Trevor's recipe ingredients at the Farmer's market. While there I was impressed with the display of organic tomatoes. They were all evenly spaced. After the market I got on the GO bus to go back home.

Organic tomatoes at the Hamilton farmer's market

An odd sign in front of a church in Hamilton

Back in Toronto it's raining

A very well done ad campaign... and funny.

Pumpkin ready for food and wondering why I put him outside.
Upon arrival at home the cats were sleeping. When I walked into the living room they sprang to life. Genki came out from under the bed. Pumpkin wanted to go outside. Only once he found out the ground was still wet I don't think he wanted to stay out.
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