Arthur - an arctic wolf from the Bowmanville zoo.
There's a scene that requires a wolf that Terry Fox sees while on his run. Since wolves are untrainable, at least that's what I was told by the wolf wrangler and the on set photographer who shot Animorphs (a low budget kids show where humans turn into animals using really poor visual effects), the next best thing is to get a wolf from a zoo and change it to suit your needs. In this case it was to make it's fur grey. Arthur is an arctic wolf and as such is normally white. Judging from the picture above they did a pretty good job.
An interesting tidbit that I found out. For the shoot they actually brought two wolves to set. Just in case one ran away. I thought "Well then you have a second one to shoot." While I thought this was a pretty logical solution I was wrong. The second wolf is actually the first wolf's mate. If the wolf decided to run away he would come back eventually to be with the other one. How's that for commitment?
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