The squirting fountain, a piece of the mall that's been there since day one.
After waking up late, I noticed my mosquito bites from being on set at that park on friday. Just on my left leg alone I have counted 33 bites. 33 itchy bites. Oh yes and to answer Amanda's suggestion about Aloe. It does nothing. Or at least nothing to stop the itching that I've noticed. I've tried peppermint as well. That may stop the itching, I'm not really sure. There are so many clumped together it's hard to tell what lump is itching and what lump isn't. At the very least peppermint smells good. I suppose.
After making my way to dim sum, eating dim sum, and saying hi to those that showed up. Michelle and I made our way over to the Eaton Centre to do some clothes shopping. In the mall they had the batmobile on display from the upcoming movie (I think it's coming out this wednesday).

Batmobile displayed in the Eaton Centre
It's incredible how mean it looks compared to the Tim Burton Batman movies, the batmobile with the tail fin that wobbles. This updated version feels more like a tank on wheels. It makes me want to see the movie just to see Batman drive over some baddies and crush other cars. hee hee hee.
Speaking of movies, Shark boy and Lava girl came out friday. A movie which I and several others worked on with no credit in the film (long story). It's getting really bad reviews. That's too bad. I'd like to work on a big budget movie one day that does well in the theatres.
RE: mosquito bites
Try calamine lotion. I find that works for me.
Oh yeah, and once the bites are healing after the calamine lotion, I put on some vitamin E to help the healing.
The most effective way to stop the itching long enough for the mosquito bites to subside is not a topical agent, it is internal - an antihistamine. Effective but should be used with restraint as they become less and less effective with greater usage.
The most effective anti-itch agent are antihistamines. I am not a strong advocate of drugs but take just one will keep you from itching long enough to let the bite heal enough so the ichty feeling subsides. The only other thing that I have tried that has worked it the "After Bite" pen but only if you apply it immediately after you get biten
Kyoko felt the need to double-up that nod to antihistamines.
Well I still reckon the slimy green juice of an aloe vera plant works. It may be all in my mind, but that's fine if it works. An alternative I can suggest is to take John everywhere you go because he attracts the mozzies so much that you'll never get bitten while he's with you!
I'm surprised Leeza Gibbons wasn't frollicking in the fountain in a Q97.5 EZ Rock T-shirt.
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