Rock N Roll Junkie panties.... interesting...
Tonight at the Ultra Lounge a fashion show showcasing the work of Ed Hardy was on at midnight. For those readers out there that may not know, the Ultra Supper Club is one of those swanky night spots that seems to have an endless flow of good looking people drinking, eating, and just socializing in general.
We arrived at 10:30pm and while Juliet (the juicy stuff editor) made a bee line to the bar I cased out the joint for a prime shooting location. The stage wasn't completely set up and there were workers trying to install a pole (to be used for pole dancing). I noticed the base of the pole had the flirty girls logo on it.
Then I noticed the Flirty Girl performer. Although she wasn't one of the girls I already met at Fame a while back, she was pretty fit looking, and cute. Probably a prerequisite of working at Flirty Girl Fitness.

Flirty Girl performs acrobatic stunts
The show started off by said performer doing a few acrobatic pole stunts. Once finished the fashion models walked down a small runway to the pole. Now I know you're thinking "Wow a pole to interact with...". Maybe you're not thinking that. The pole from a photographer's point of view was bad. They might as well put a potted plant in front of the models coming down the runway.
The pole got in the way. I found myself sneaking around the video guy (Grant) and squeezing inbetween other photographers for better angles. Ah well, Live and learn I suppose. The clothing was nothing really that new. Mainly existing clothing with words painted on them. Sexy underwear and jackets are all well and good if you have a good looking model showing them off.

Sex Drugs Rock and Roll Jacket

Sexy model + underwear = Sexy underwear?
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