Darryl selling issue #1 of HLAP at Canzine
Sunday afternoon. I made my way from the photo exhibit to CANzine at the Gladstone hotel. It was crazy packed and took me about half and hour to locate Darryl. In the last week or so Darryl had been putting together HLAP #1. I wanted to see the final product to A) see what exactly it was and B) to see what photos he ended up using.

Raymi displays a work of art.
Not being able to stand the being squashed part of the show I decided to check out the upstairs part of the hotel. It really was packed with people trying to move down narrow aisles of magazine pushers. That's where the picture of what I thought was a hamster caught my eye. Turns out it was a gopher, or alligator. Last year it was a postcard of a slug from Montreal (which by the way is still on my refrigerator), this year the gopher. I don't really know what possessed me to buy it. Perhaps the roundness of the thing drew me toward it. I don't know. Later on when showing it to Darryl, he speculated that it looked like something I would draw. So maybe that's it.
Wow, Daryl looks more and more geeky in every picture...right down to the Bell shirt in this last pic.
For those of us that don't know, you didn't say what HLAP was... Hidious Lethargic Alpine Pandas? Helpful Lectures About Porn? (That seems a more Darryl thing than Pandas...) So what is it and did it involve any of your own pictures?
Round things are good.
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